Codified swimming: The backstroke

8.0 How to swim the backstroke

The backstroke is often compared to the front crawl because, overall, the movements are similar: kicking with the legs and alternating movements with the arms. But there are a few differences to be aware of, because in detail they are not exactly the same movements.

8.1 The rules of the International Swimming Federation (F.I.N.A.)

Here is what is required during a competition for the backstroke:

Except during the continuous execution of the turn, do not leave the backstroke position

Except during the first 15 metres at the start, at the turns and at the finish, do not be totally immersed during the swim

Start your turn immediately after going to the front position

Touch the wall during the turn

Do not stand on the bottom of the pool

8.2 Motor patterns

8.2 Motor patterns

View underwater from the side:

The arm enters the water far in front, close to the head and outstretched

8.2 Motor patterns

View out of the water from above:

Entry of the arm into the water far in front, here you can see that the arm is stuck to the head

The arm is in line with the shoulder towards the front and not to the side.

Particularities of the backstroke:

The leg is stretched below the surface and then goes down, remaining stretched

Then the foot moves down a little more as the knee bends. The foot is well stretched at the point to be able to push upwards afterwards

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